DNA&RNA Measurement using UV-VIS

  • Product Code: 35765

Measuring DNA&RNA concentration using UV-Vis spectroscopy

Service Steps
Step Procedure Expected Result

A sample...

Obtaining the DNA and RNA solution.


The diluted...

Obtaining the absorbance value of DNA and RNA .


Determining the...

Obtaining the purity concentration of DNA or RNA in formulation.

You will receive a report for the Obtaining the purity concentration of DNA or RNA in formulation , (µg/mL)-1cm-1 fields when we provide this service

DNA&RNA Measurement using UV-VIS

Measuring DNA&RNA concentration using UV-Vis spectroscopy

Measuring DNA&RNA concentration using UV-Vis spectroscopy

Materials Needed

1. DNA sample
2. TE buffer or nuclease-free water (for dilution if necessary)
3. UV-Vis spectrophotometer
4. Quartz cuvettes (typically 1 cm path length)
5. Pipettes and tips
6. Gloves and lab coat (for safety and contamination prevention)


1. **Preparation of the DNA Sample:**
   - If your DNA sample is concentrated, dilute it with TE buffer or nuclease-free water to a suitable concentration. Typically, a dilution factor of 1:50 or 1:100 is used.
   - Mix the sample thoroughly by pipetting up and down or gently vortexing.

2. **Blank Preparation:**
   - Fill a quartz cuvette with TE buffer or nuclease-free water. This will be used to blank the spectrophotometer.
   - Ensure there are no bubbles in the cuvette and that it is clean on the outside.

3. **Spectrophotometer Setup:**
   - Turn on the UV-Vis spectrophotometer and allow it to warm up (typically around 15 minutes).
   - Set the wavelength to 260 nm for DNA measurement. Also, set the wavelengths to 280 nm and 230 nm for purity assessment.

4. **Blanking the Spectrophotometer:**
   - Place the blank cuvette into the spectrophotometer.
   - Close the lid and press the "blank" button to zero the instrument at 260 nm.
   - Repeat this process for 280 nm and 230 nm if your instrument requires separate blanking for each wavelength.

5. **Measuring the DNA Sample:**
   - Remove the blank cuvette and carefully pipette the DNA sample into a clean quartz cuvette. Ensure there are no bubbles.
   - Wipe the outside of the cuvette with a lint-free tissue to remove any fingerprints or residues.
   - Place the cuvette into the spectrophotometer.
   - Measure the absorbance at 260 nm, 280 nm, and 230 nm.

6. **Recording and Calculating Concentration:**
   - Record the absorbance values (A260, A280, and A230).

Mechanism -
Appearance -
Longevity -
Strength -
Storage -
Shelf Life -
Allergen(s) -
Dosage (Range) -
Dosage (Per Day) -
Mix Method -
Heat Resistance -
Stable in pH range -
Solubility -
Product Types -
Service Steps
Step Procedure Expected Result

A sample...

Obtaining the DNA and RNA solution.


The diluted...

Obtaining the absorbance value of DNA and RNA .


Determining the...

Obtaining the purity concentration of DNA or RNA in formulation.


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