Cosmetics Formulation Development

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Problems making lotion cream come and paint yourself a white patch

Postby » Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:32 am

Made a lotion But when applied on the body, it becomes a white creamy texture. You have to massage it for a while until it absorbs into the meat. The ingredients are: • stearic acid • oil • Stearyl alcohol • Cetyl AlcoholTween 20 • Isopropyl myristate (IPM) - What ingredients do I need to adjust? - What is the cause of this white bump? I want that when I touch the body and the texture is clear. no need to massage for a long time
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Re: Problem with making lotion cream come and paint yourself a white patch

Postby staff » Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:29 am

Hello, I recommend the following Wax Cream Maker 3% Use any Wax like Beeswax at 3-5%, based on the thickness/heavy ratio of the formula desired, which oil? not more than 20% other ingredients, both soluble in water and dissolved in oil by prohibiting the use of any items As informed by the member, both stearic acid , stearyl alcohol Cetyl Alcohol These Cetyl Alcohol cause whiteness on the skin. สารกันเสีย 1%
Staff - MySkinRecipes
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