Cosmetics Formulation Development

Sucrose Cream Maker

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Sucrose Cream Maker

Postby touchzhakornxx » Sat Mar 23, 2024 8:57 pm


- How many % of oil can the Sucrose Cream Maker mix?

- How can the Sucrose Cream Maker adjust the thickness? What thickening gel can be added?

- Tried mixing Sucrose Cream Maker and Satin Cream Maker and it turned out that the cream was flaky when applied, similar to scurf.

thank you

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Re: Sucrose Cream Maker

Postby staff » Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:24 am


Can bind oil up to 30%, depending on the type of oil.

Adjust the thickness. Recommend using Fatty Alcohol group such as ceteryl alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol .

You can also use a thickener such as Xanthan Gum to adjust the thickness.

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