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I'm a little disturbed color insoluble

Postby justfaidindyeye » Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:29 pm

Hello, D&C Red 27 Color Changing Pigment ( CI45410), can I have a detailed instruction on how to use it?

Try adjusting the PH value of the water and put the color in. The color doesn't dissolve and clumps and floats over the water.

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Re: a bit disturbing color insoluble

Postby aoonjung » Wed Feb 22, 2023 5:24 pm

Just about to make a lip balm so I saw this post. Allow me to provide preliminary information.

D&C Red No.28 Al Lake dispersed in oil The color does not dissolve and floats on the water. It has to be mixed in the oil part.

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Re: a bit disturbing color insoluble

Postby justfaidindyeye » Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:45 pm

I saw that it was written that it had to be dissolved in water. This one has to dissolve the oil, right? Bring to dissolve the oil and not completely scattered. Can you give me some advice on how to do it, thank you.

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Re: a bit disturbing color insoluble

Postby staff » Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:25 pm


Soluble in water, but when dissolved, there will be a color at the surface pH range (4-6).

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Re: a bit disturbing color insoluble

Postby justfaidindyeye » Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:47 am

Can you tell me how to dissolve it in detail?

Because it dissolves in water, adjusts the PH and floats above the water surface. and a lump Tried spinning and it's still the same.

Dissolves in water, doesn't adjust PH, and it's still the same.

thank you

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Re: a bit disturbing color insoluble

Postby staff » Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:46 pm


recipe in progress It's a lip balm formula, right?

Let's try this.

Choose any type of Oil Gel such as Mineral Oil Gel and add D&C Red 27 Color Changing Pigment ( CI45410) at a low rate of about 0.05%, blend until fully dissolved. You will get a colored gel texture with one color.

When the gel is applied to the skin It will be another color. The color will be a light pink tone.

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