Cosmetics Formulation Development

ขอสอบถามปัญหาที่เกิดขึ้นจาก acrylate crosspolymer ในแชมพู

Need help and get help on cosmetics formulation development

I would like to ask about the problem caused by the acrylate crosspolymer in the shampoo.

Postby kittinaovarat » Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:16 am

The steps to do it are as follows.
1. Add water with 1-3 Propanediol , mix with GuarCat ™ Weight-less, adjust acid with Lactic Acid , stir well.
2. Mix with Coco-Foam -50™, high temperature and add SulFoam ™ and emulPearl ™ (pearl shine, soap/shampoo).
3. Wait for it to cool and then add it with ThickClean ™ (eq. Carbopol SF-1, to thicken), but the problem is that the acrylate crosspolymer clumps. I don't know what caused it.

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Re: I would like to ask about the problem caused by acrylate crosspolymer in the champ.

Postby staff » Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:45 pm


ThickClean is an anion thickner and is not highly acid resistant.

We recommend cutting out GuarCat ™ Weight-less (due to their positives) and Lactic Acid from the formula and testing to see if there is a problem.

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