Cosmetics Products Analysis

รายละเอียดสาร quercetin

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Description of quercetin

Postby jidapa.tri » Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:00 pm

Learn about the details of the substance. Quercetin because it needs substance to be used in research. therefore would like to know the details of the substance Quercetin available company What is the chemical properties, form, color, water solubility of the substance in detail? Thank you.
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Re: details of quercetin

Postby staff » Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:34 am

Hello, I don't know. Have you tried checking the information from the website? Physical, color, solubility are clearly stated on the website. If any information is missing and want more bother specific
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Re: details of quercetin

Postby jidapa.tri » Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:06 pm

We are interested in Quercetin of myskinrecpie company for use in research. and already know some information of the substance I would like to know more chemical properties information in the part of chemical structure, water solubility. You can give information via email. Thank you.
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Re: details of quercetin

Postby staff » Mon Mar 07, 2022 10:18 pm

Hello, the product is Quercetin purity 98% or more, the chemical structure and solubility conform to Quercetin standard, which can be checked from the general website https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm. Quercetin
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