Haircare Recipes

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Ask for a formula for making keratin shampoo for hair nourishment. Can I have a gentle one?

Postby lnw_aon » Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:12 pm

Request a recipe for shampoo เคราติน nourishes the hair. Please be gentle and not make your hair rough or สีผม that I used to dye off like a low-grade shampoo.
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Re: Can I have a formula for making keratin shampoo for hair nourishment?

Postby staff » Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:43 pm

Hello, I recommend making a treatment formula by adding Pure- Keratin or HairPlex in the formula will give better performance. Because these hair nourishing ingredients take time to be absorbed into the hair, for example Pure Keratin™ (Natural, Sheep Wool) 2% HairPLEX™ 10% Mild Preserved Eco 1% น้ำกลั่น complete 100%
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Re: Can I have a formula for making keratin shampoo for hair nourishment?

Postby varintita88 » Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:08 pm

Pure Keratin™ (Natural, Sheep Wool) 2% HairPLEX™ 10% Mild Preserved Eco 1% น้ำกลั่น to 100%, this formula needs to be washed. Are you leaving?
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Re: Can I have a formula for making keratin shampoo for hair nourishment?

Postby staff » Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:43 pm

Hello, you don't need to rinse.
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