Fragrance Formulation Development

สอบถามวิธีใช้ Virginia Tobacco Absolute เพื่อทำเทียนหอม

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Ask how to use Virginia Tobacco Absolute to make scented candles.

Postby nun.phupoget » Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:03 pm

Hello, please ask about how to use chemicals. Ordered Virginia Tobacco Absolute. It looks sticky. If you want to use it to mix in a scented candle, how do you use it? and if you want to use the scent Flavor flavoring for lip soluble form, can you mix it in scented candle?
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Re: How to use Virginia Tobacco Absolute to make scented candles?

Postby staff » Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:24 pm

Hello, try warming a scented candle to turn into oil, then add Tobacco Absolute and blend it together. Mixture group that dissolves in water Cannot be mixed in scented candle recipes Because it is an oil base, it will be separated from each other.
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