Fragrance Formulation Development

สอบถามเกี่ยวกับ Bescent เพื่อนำมาใช้ในเทียนหอม

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Ask about Bescent for use in scented candles.

Postby wariyanan_h » Wed Jul 22, 2020 3:29 pm

Hello, I would like to know if the bescent can be put in a scented candle if we have น้ำมันหอมระเหย that has already been blended. Suppose there is a composition of flowers and wood. which at the point of smell may not be as good as it should because the base of the scent is not very heavy I do not want to wear them Linalool Geraniol because they see that they are scented candles. Put these on and then at the point it will harm your lungs. Go read the company's old posts. Someone asked about bescent to put in a scented candle. which the company replied that it can be worn and will help smell better I'd like to know if it's the same ingredient. Limonene Linalool because I want to make scented candles that are harmless. So I want to consult the company to see.
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Re: Ask about Bescent for use in scented candles.

Postby staff » Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:33 pm

Hello, the composition of น้ำหอม (aroma chemical) serve as flavor in the formula. น้ำหอม The question of whether it can or cannot be done should be considered based on the desired scent characteristics. For example, if Members want to น้ำหอม mixed with a rose scent. avoidance Geraniol in the formula น้ำหอม as mentioned, it would be difficult. In terms of burning, it will be harmful to health. Must see that the formula is done out. There is a problem of smoke when burning or not. Some aroma chemicals have a low smoke point, causing it to turn into smoke when exposed to fire. However, you have to consider the amount added to the formula. Sometimes, if it's just the last component of the formula. no problem
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