Cosmetics Formulation Development

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Check the formula, water spray, reduce / prevent foot odor.

Postby thangetsmail » Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:33 pm

If the following substances are mixed: Peppermint Water 56.2% Ethyl Alcohol (99.9%) 30% Tea Tree Oil (Water Soluble) 10% Star Anise Extract 1% DeoMax™ Liquid 1% Natural Bisabolol 1% Thyme Care™ 0.8% Appropriate for Can you use it as a water spray to help reduce or prevent foot odor?
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Re: Check the formula for water spray to reduce / prevent foot odor

Postby staff » Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:56 am

Hello, this formula has a problem with dissolving. Star Anise Extract (Illicium verum) because pH has to be adjusted for solubility and there will be problems with Water-oil layer separation of Thyme Care due to oily nature Which must be coordinated with the formula because it is water-based for the ease of the formula. We recommend adjusting as follows: Peppermint Water 100% of the rest Ethyl Alcohol (99.9%) 30% Tea Tree Oil (Water Soluble) 1% [reduce usage rate 1% is enough] DeoMax™ Liquid 1% Odor-Kill 1%
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