Cosmetics Formulation Development


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precipitated lip gloss

Postby jn_andy » Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:17 pm

ค้างไว้ 2 วัน
1554901873706.jpg (265.66 KiB) Viewed 1096 times
สูตร lip gloss
Screenshot_20190308-162058.png (1.74 MiB) Viewed 1096 times
Make a lip gloss according to this recipe, leave it for 2 nights, all settling down as shown in the picture. How do you fix it?
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Re: Lip gloss settling

Postby staff » Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:52 am

Hello, adjust the thickness of the recipe. into a gel To prevent mica powder from precipitating, it is recommended to use Oil Thick Clear . can be edited with the addition of Oil Thick Clear then heated to 100-110 degrees until Oil Thick Clear Dissolve, stir or stir until well dissolved. Let it cool and wait for it to set. Then check that the viscosity is at the desired level. And is it enough?
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