Cosmetics Formulation Development

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Please help recommend a formula for hair growth serum, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

Postby senfun2004 » Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:34 am

I have a formula that I'd like to make for accelerating hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Please suggest improvements. and the appropriate mixing method.

"Quantity measured (weighed) (grams)" "As a proportion (percentage)"

Aqua 230 76.67

Long-Lash 20 6.67

Biotinyl-GHK ( Biotinoyl Tripeptide-1 ) 9 3.00

Pure-Biotin 0.5 0.17

Melatonin Forte 3 1.00

ActiveProtec™ UV 3 1.00

Urea 30 10.00

Triacetin 3 1.00

Phenoxyethanol 1.5 0.50

Overall weight of product 300 100.00

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Re: Please help recommend a formula for hair growth serum, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

Postby staff » Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:50 pm


What is the reason for wanting to add high amounts of Urea ? If the purpose of the formula is to boost hair and eyebrows, it is not recommended to use very high Urea. If you want it to help dissolve Biotin, it is recommended to adjust it to 5%. It should be enough. Using too high May cause stickiness. and will make it unsuitable for use on certain areas of the skin.

Other parts have no problems. Can be mixed

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