Cosmetics Formulation Development

carbomer ต่างกับ carbopol อย่่างไร

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How is carbomer different from carbopol?

Postby jn_andy » Tue Feb 25, 2020 8:33 am

Carbomer how is it different from carbopol and what is the difference between Carbopol 20 and carbopol 21?
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Re: How is carbomer different from carbopol?

Postby staff » Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:26 pm

Carbomer different from carbopol
Carbomer ? Carbomer is a chemical name, Carbopol is a trade name [ quote]And saw there Carbopol 20 with Carbopol 21 What's the difference?
- Carbomer Ultrez 21 has better salt tolerance. Carbomer Ultrez 20 little - Carbomer Ultrez 20 provides higher viscosity. Carbomer Ultrez 21 at the same usage rate (In the case of no salt)
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