Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Please check the recipe for me.

Postby nu_tp.pp » Wed Apr 03, 2019 11:45 am

1. Pro Polymer 1% 2. Avocado Oil 9% 3. Mild Preserved Eco 1% 4. น้ำกลั่น 73.8% 5. Activated Resorcinol 1% 6. Natural Bisabolol 1% 7. Vitamin B3 (safe-niaciamide) 4% 8. GlucoBright 4% 9. Allantoin 0.2% 10. Glycerin 5%
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Re: Help me check the recipe

Postby staff » Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:07 pm

Hello, I suggest you add a few things: 1. Xanthan Gum 0.3-0.5% will improve the stability of the formula because Activated Resorcinol tends to liquefy the gel texture 2. DMI 2-3% Help นำพา ingredients into the skin better. Other parts have no problem, can be mixed.
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