Cosmetics Formulation Development

Chili Hot....ด่วนครับ

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Chili Hot....Urgent!

Postby wanchaitia » Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:25 pm

1. Chili Hot mixed oil and pure water only by Do not add smell, the appearance is two layers. I want to ask if I have to put กันเสีย in the water part? 2. Chili Hot package, if it expires, what will it be like when it runs out of heat? go or smell the color change
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Re: Chili Hot....Urgent!

Postby staff » Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:03 pm

1. Chili Hot mixed with oil. and has only pure water without adding two layers of odor I want to ask if I have to put กันเสีย in the water part?
If developing a formula for sale, you should add สารกันเสีย in water Although the chance of loss will occur is difficult. The reason why it should be included is because we don't know when the product reaches the user's hand what will happen use in some form may cause germs can be included in the formula (for example If the product is packaged in a sealed package with a pump head Some users open the cap of the pouring bottle instead of pumping it out normally)
2. Chili Hot package, if it expires, what will it look like if the heat is gone or the color smell
has changed color? The color will be much darker. by to extend the life of the formula longer The teaching team recommends using Protec™ UV 0.05 % , Protec™ OX 0.01%
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