Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Postby » Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:56 am

Dear Myskin team I would like to ask 3 questions as follows: 1. If you want the formula to be shiny, you can use Peg-75 Lanolin (Flake) is a base cream instead of Bees. 2. Olus Oil also available Is it for sale? 3. If you want the cream to be pearly white, what kind of Pigment must be used? we used to buy Pearl Silver Mica ขาวมุก เหลือบเงิน (ขนาด A-) but the Pigment is too big and it's not pearl silver, thank you.
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Re: Question about products

Postby staff » Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:26 am

1. If you want a glossy formula, you can use Peg-75 Lanolin (Flake) is a base cream instead of Bees. Can you wax?
Sorry for the lack of information about the ingredients.
2. Olus Oil also Is it for sale?
Available. According to the information of the team, we acknowledge that the product is currently available for sale. But initially, the team checked on the website showing the status of no stock. The team will learn to inquire with customer relations tomorrow.
3. If you want the cream to have a pearly white color, what kind of Pigment should be used? we used to buy Pearl Silver Mica ขาวมุก เหลือบเงิน (ขนาด A-) but Pigment is too big and not pearl silver[/quote ] What is the meaning of the word white pearl of the members? Do you want it to be glitter beads or just give it a creamy shine? To get the creamy shine, use emulPearl
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