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Please help the team to look at the recipe. I'm worried about safety.

To make Pillow Mist, the formula is as follows:

Alcohol 99.9% : 75%

Flora Fix : 8%

Essential Oils : 17%

I use 8 essential oils in total, only 2 are the most that I use 3%, the rest is about 1-2%.

I want to know if the concentration of Essential Oil s is too much? Will it be harmful to consumers?

thank you

by lalida.spp
Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:49 pm
Forum: Fragrance Formulation Development
Topic: Re: Please help the team to look at the recipe. Concerned about safety
Replies: 1
Views: 5781

Re: Please ask questions Please help the team to take a look.

Hello, please allow me to repost because the system has a problem in the previous post. I want to make Alcohol-free Pillow mist with water base + <a target=”_blank” href='
by lalida.spp
Mon Aug 01, 2022 10:48 am
Forum: Fragrance Formulation Development
Topic: Re: Please ask questions Please help the team to take a look.
Replies: 1
Views: 4810

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