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Inquire about Oil Thick™ Transparent

Please ask.

The product uses coconut fracinated oil as base oil 100%. Try mixing Oil Thick transparent 0.2%.
- Use temperature 70-80 degrees until the solution runs out.
- When it's still hot, it's clear as usual. But after leaving it to cool at room temperature (There is no acceleration to cool down) The color is translucent. Frosted color.
Not clear (Clear) I don't know what to do, what should I do? Because the package is transparent, you have to see the product texture.

- Or if there is an Oil thickener that gives a clear color, you can recommend it. I want their texture to be more viscous because they seep out and mess up the Package.
(The package is a dropper, you have to suck it up as well)

thank you very much

Mon May 22, 2023 2:06 pm
Forum: Cosmetics Formulation Development
Topic: Re: Question about Oil Thick™ Transparent
Replies: 1
Views: 752

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