Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Please look at the creamy cleansing formula for me.

Postby nid.544595 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:22 am

I want to make a cleansing cream. It looks like a light cream. How to use it is to apply it on the face. Then massage with it and wipe it off with a cotton ball. The formula is as follows: 1.58% water 2. Butylene Glycol 20% 3. Oilsify 15 10% 4. mineral oil 5% 5. Castor oil 5% 6. Satin Cream Maker 1% 7. Mild Preserved Eco 1% Mixing method A: Take (1+2) B, (3+4+5) 6, mix together with A, mix well. Combine A+B, continue to stir until creamy. Then add 7 to it and mix well. I want to know if it can be done If not, please advise as to what changes or additions need to be made.
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Re: Can you help me find a creamy cleansing formula?

Postby nid.544595 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:24 am

In case that there are other substances that can clean better than this, please suggest more.
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Re: Can you help me find a creamy cleansing formula?

Postby staff » Sat Jan 19, 2019 3:06 pm

Hello, this formula cannot be mixed. Using Oilsify 15 cannot be used in this format. I suggest you check the sample formula and how to use it. Oilsify 15 on the product detail page. The formula Oilsify 15 should not have. water in the recipe
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Re: Can you help me find a creamy cleansing formula?

Postby nid.544595 » Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:45 am

Thank you. And if we want to make a makeup remover to look like a cream, we want to apply this cream to the face and massage it before wiping or washing off. I want to make a jar of cream Pond that must be applied to the face and then wiped off with a cotton pad.
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Re: Can you help me find a creamy cleansing formula?

Postby nid.544595 » Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:27 pm

It's Cream Pond, the jar is yellow. But now I don't see it for sale, so I want to make a facial cleanser that comes out with a similar texture.
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Re: Can you help me find a creamy cleansing formula?

Postby staff » Sat Jan 26, 2019 2:17 pm

Hello, I recommend this test. Oilsify 15 15% Butter Cream Maker 3-5% depending on the desired thickness of the meat. Butylene Glycol 20% Mild Preserved Eco 1% ( สารกันเสีย ) Any oil should be 100%, there should be no water in the formula. cream texture The team does not know what kind of cream the cream as the members mentioned. We recommend trying to mix as suggested. can be used Try adjusting from this recipe.
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Re: Can you help me find a creamy cleansing formula?

Postby nid.544595 » Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:40 pm

thank you
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