Cosmetics Formulation Development

Sym-white สอบถามครับ

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Sym-white, please inquire.

Postby » Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:24 pm

Can they mix and make them work together? Clean water Mineral Oil ชนิดเบา Light Cream Maker Sym-White Alpha Arbutin Lactic Acid want to have a texture like slap water // hope The result is clearer and whiter. Recommended percentage and which one should be added and cut off.
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Re: Sym-white question

Postby staff » Thu Dec 13, 2018 9:46 pm

Hello Light Cream Maker will not be able to synchronize this recipe. due to synchronization Sym-White is more difficult than other active ingredients. Members are generally recommended to use Xanthan Gum and/or ClayThick improves the stability of the formula, Cream. M aker recommends to use Butter Cream Maker which has better stability than other types of Cream Maker. yes
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Re: Sym-white question

Postby » Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:05 pm

1. Warm mineral oil with a 70 degree buttercream maker, leave it for the yen. 2. Blend water with ketik for 15 minutes, mix with lactic acid. Then add item 2. into item 1. and add Sym-White is the last step? And other extracts or other ingredients put at the end. Stir gently, right? Thank you.
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Re: Sym-white question

Postby staff » Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:49 pm

Hello when you get the water part and the oil according to number 1,2 which is correct For members to warm the two parts to a temperature close to each other (about 70-75 degrees), then while spinning the water. To gradually add part of the oil. Keep blending well, turn off heat, blend at low speed until temperature does not exceed 40 degrees, add Sym-White or other non-heat resistant active ingredients. blend well (Make a strong blender. If blended slowly, some ingredients may not melt.) Store at room temperature. Wait about 12 hours to set (do not expose to light and heat. Close the lid tightly)
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