Cosmetics Formulation Development

Oil in water อยากให้ยังเหลวอยู่ มีลักษณะเหมือนน้ำตบ

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Oil in water. I want it to remain liquid. looks like slap water

Postby » Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:18 pm

Please suggest a solution that helps the oil mix in water, for example, about 80% of the water, part of มิเนอรอลออย 10% The nature is to keep it liquid. It looks like SK2 or can spray like Body Miss. Please suggest a mixture of water + oil, the price is not high, the mixing method is not complicated, you can enter Sym White 0.5 Can you join with vitamin B3 ? B3 how many percent if enter โซเดียมแลคเตท โซเดียมแลคเตทพลัส which one is better and what percentage should I put? need to wear นำพาสาร or not, you can enter เอนไซม์มะละกอ can you join me?
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Re: Oil in water. I want it to stay liquid. looks like slap water

Postby staff » Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:50 pm

Hello, I recommend Light Lotion Maker to act as a solder. Yes, entering Sym-White and Vitamin B3 can be done by blending with the formula. In the last step, but using Sodium Lactate or Sodium Lactate Plus because the substance itself looks rather viscous May affect the spray. If used, it may be used in very low proportions.
Must wear นำพาสาร or not
here depends on the member, the formula itself can be absorbed into the skin, but if you put สารนำพา will be able to absorb more
can enter Papaya enzyme, can I join with it?
Not suitable because Papaya Enzyme has stability issues. if dissolved in water The efficiency will be exhausted after being in the water for a long time. Therefore, it is suitable for formulas that are in powder form rather than when in contact with water and brought in contact with the skin at all. will function with full efficiency.
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