Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Please check the formula for sunscreen and waterproof.

Postby wisediq » Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:31 pm

The formula is as follows: 1. SPF Protect Ultra™ II 15% 2. Zinc Oxide 35nm Liquid 5% 3. Water Capsule 4% 4. Satin Cream Maker 1% 5. The remaining water 6. Mild Preserve Eco 1% Step Lead 1- 3. Mix together and heat with heat. As part of the oil, bring 4-5 and blend until combined. part of the water And use the oil part to add to the water part, blend together, then add 6 and spin again. Is this method correct?
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Re: Please check the formula for waterproof sunscreen.

Postby staff » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:27 pm

Hello, how to mix correctly? The formula can be mixed.
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