Cosmetics Formulation Development

Avena sativa (Oat) Extract (Oil Soluble) น้ำมันข้าวโอ๊ตสกัด

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Avena sativa (Oat) Extract (Oil Soluble)

Postby misix24 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:43 am

Avena sativa (Oat) Extract (Oil Soluble) can be used instead of Fractionated Coconut Oil , someone suggested something similar. It is a light, fast absorbing, non-greasy oil that can also be used as a solvent, but Avena sativa (Oat) Extract (Oil Soluble) is more beneficial for the skin. I'm thinking of using it instead. Fractionated Coconut Oil used as solvent in Recipe, thank you.
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Re: Avena sativa (Oat) Extract (Oil Soluble) Oat oil

Postby staff » Mon Jul 19, 2021 5:28 am

Hello Avena sativa (Oat) Extract is considered active, it is not used at high doses as a base of the formula. In the case of use at a rate up to the base size of the formula likely to cause heaviness or greasy on the skin compared to Fractionated Coconut Oil suitable for use as bass Because it's light
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