Cosmetics Formulation Development


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Ask for advice on solving the problem of the formula ordered.

Postby modtanoy21 » Tue Aug 27, 2019 4:14 am

1. Formula to order Anti-oxidant & Hydrating Essence recipes/%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B9%E0%B8%95 %E0%B8%A3/10482- Anti-oxidant -hydrating-essence/ This formula feels sticky after use. Very sticky on the skin Feels sticky like honey It's syrup. Like if you put your hand on your face and your skin will suck on your hands It's like the skin will suck everything that touches your face. It leaves a sticky residue until washed off. 2. Recipes to make Skin Rejuvenation Serum recipes/%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B9%E0%B8%95%E0. %B8%A3/8265-skin-rejuvenation-serum/ This formula is not sticky. But it's a little sticky on the skin. I would like to ask for advice on buying the substance to adjust the formula by myself, because the formula has been requested by the FDA, I can't modify the formula anymore – if you buy WaterSoft added to the formula. Can you do this? will reduce stickiness Is it sticky when applied to the skin? Or is there any substance that reduces stickiness? Can it be sticky when applying on the skin? - And if you can add more, how many % should I use? Can I mix it in a bottle and shake it to mix together? And if adding additives to the formula, will it have any effect on this recipe? Thank you very much.
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Re: Advice on solving the problem of the formula ordered.

Postby modtanoy21 » Wed Aug 28, 2019 12:17 pm

Let me inform you that I can solve the problem of the sticky formula already. There is no need to add substances to the formula anymore – now the skin is very sticky. The skin sucking hands when touching the face is gone. Leaves only a slight stickiness on the skin. But the stickiness is no more. My personal opinion is that it is because some substances may not dissolve completely – because when I first use the gel pump out, there will be gel-like lumps in the formula. And when you rub your fingers together, you will feel a rough powder on your skin. After applying, it leaves a very sticky feeling on the skin. Skin type that sucks hands when touching the face. Until the next step is almost impossible. Because it's sticky, I suck on my finger until I can't rub the serum – so I shake the bottle until the gelatinous lumps are completely dissolved, and the rough powder is gone. The hand-sucking skin is gone. Made it to the next step normally. Thank you very much.
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